Sunday, May 17, 2020

Ancient Near Eastern Thought Essay - 3623 Words

Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament (Introducing the Conceptual World of the Hebrew Bible) Introduction Using contemporary studies as the foundation of his research John Walton reviews the ancient and Near Eastern and Israelite cognitive context. He provides guidance for students and general public to have a wider understanding and expand their knowledge of today’s culture, and historical culture interacts with the ancient world culture. In doing so, he tries to balance all audiences though examining artifacts to assist the individual’s understanding through these artifacts about both the historical prospective and culture and the parallel with the Bible. Summary of Book The book is divided into five parts. Part 1,†¦show more content†¦What follows is a discussion about the types and characteristics of religious practices. In particular, the discussion hinges on establishing the point that there are reflections of wisdom in all knowledge. In these and other ways, comparative studies both challenged and enhanced biblical scholarship. Walton also discusses the reaction to comparative studies in confessional scholarship, which has not always been positive due to its implication that the Old Testament is not unique (p. 35). Walton concludes by envisioning an integrated role for comparative studies in which it assists in critical analysis, defense of the biblical text, and exegesis of the biblical text (pp. 38-40). In conclusion, Part 1 of Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament serve as an excellent introduction to comparative studies. Part 2 – Literature of the Ancient Near East Chapter 3 – Summary of Literature of Ancient Near East Chapter 3 is divided up into 4 sections. These are: 1) myths, 2) literary texts and epics, 3) ritual texts, and 4) divination/incantation texts 5) letters, 6)Royal Inscrriptions 7) Annals/Chronicles, 8) Treaties, 9) Law Collections, 10) Legal Documents, Hymns and Prayers, 11) Wisdom Literature, 12) Prophecy, 13) Fictional Autobiography/Apocalyptic 14) Archives and 15) Miscellaneous. Under each of those sections there are examples of writings on that topic from various ancient Near Eastern cultures. The areasShow MoreRelatedBook Summary of John H. Walton, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament:4623 Words   |  19 PagesJohn H. Walton’s Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament: Introducing the Conceptual World of the Hebrew Bible is broken up into fourteen chapters. Those fourteen chapters are each part of one of five sections. This book also contains over twenty historical images. Befor e the introduction, the author gives readers a full appendix of all images used in this published work. 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