Monday, December 30, 2019

Followership For A Group Of International Visitors From...

The Followership The topic of my speech is â€Å"The Followership†. My speech is speech to inform to share the concept of followership for a group of international visitors from Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia, manages tend to be very instructional in their approach. Subordinates view it as the boss’s role to take decisions and to convey those decisions down the chain for implementation (World Business Culture, n.d.). The concept of followership has a very important part to play and vital role in the success of company. The purpose is the importance of followership in company’s success. I will explain about the followership and give an idea how it harmonious with leadership. The main point of my speech is â€Å"The followership is also important†¦show more content†¦It is a social relationship between the leader, followers and the group. It is not passive obedience to others. It is a process whereby followers engage in critical thinking constructively and interact with an d support the leader to help achieve task. Good followers are accountable for their actions. They can also influence and mould the leader’s views. When necessary they can even substitute for the leader. Followership is the mirror image of leadership. After all, an underlying truth is that leaders would be nonexistent without the support of their followers. To some extent, the relationship between leaders and followers resembles a miniature democracy. Thus, followership should be credited as leadership. 3. Body Explain about the followership by comparing leadership and followership. Also, I will present about the five types of followers and how a good leader creates an environment conducive to an exemplary followership style. Leadership and followership are different sides of the same coin, each intimately connected with the other in a dynamic manner. Followership is not only about the individuals who follow within a team, but also about the relationship between these individuals and their leader. Without followers, a leader is a lonely figure. There is a dynamic relationship of mutual

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Sleep Deprivation Has Adverse Effects On Driving Performance.

Sleep Deprivation Has Adverse Effects on Driving Performance It is difficult to constantly get sufficient sleep due to work and family related circumstances, and an estimated 15-30% of traffic accidents are directly related to driver drowsiness (Howard, Jackson, Kennedy, Swann, Barnes Pierce, 2007). Sleep deprivation has been demonstrated to strongly impair mood, cognitive performance, and motor function as a result of decreasing mental impairment (Durmer Dinges, 2005). Therefore, it will be argued that sleep deprivation substantially interferes with driving performance. This is based on the evidence given by Williamson and Feyer (2005) which found that after long periods without sleep, driving performance reached equivalent to those†¦show more content†¦Alcohol measures were made immediately before and after each test session so BAC could be controlled. The study revealed that sleep deprivation worsens driving performance, particularly speed and accuracy (Williamson Feyer, 2005). The first study followed a precise procedure where strengths can stem from, though there are also limitations that can be addressed. A strength of this study was that participants were given a long break in the afternoon after one test, and had an overnight rest nearby before the next test was commenced (Williamson Feyer, 2005). This would have removed any carry-over effects from one condition to the other, which would have ultimately affected the accuracy of the second test. This is because participants would have been able to receive 7-9 hours of sleep in order to combat sleep deprivation, and also, alcohol would return to nil for the next condition as alcohol concentration declines linearly after five hours of consumption (McKnight-Eily, Liu, Wheaton, Croft, Perry, Okoro Strine, 2011; Paton, 2005). Moreover, another strength is that the three tests were omitted from the second, third, and fourth test sessions of the alcohol condition to allow the absorption of the alcohol (Willi amson Feyer, 2005). These three tests were also excluded from the sleep deprivation study which thus allowed a direct comparison between the two variables. Although it was important that the subjects received a long break after the first test, andShow MoreRelatedHow Sleep Is Needed For Optimum Performance1352 Words   |  6 Pagesduring twelfth grade. Over the years, early school start times has been attributed to some of the reasons why students have been unable to perform well because they have been deprived of sleep. Sleep is an essential part of our daily lives and without it, we will be unable to function, as it is known that sleep is needed for optimum performance. 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Sleep also improves short-term memory, mood, efficiency, concentration, and it is actually believed that sleep also helpsRead MoreThe Impact of Rotating Shift Work on Police Officers1220 Words   |  5 Pagesproject, â€Å"Sleep disorders, health, and safety in police officers† (JAMA, 2011), was conducted involving a group of North American police officers in regards to the sleep disorders and the health and safety of the officers participating. The study involved 4,957 officers that worked rotating shifts over a period of approximately two years. The findings were startling and revealed that 3,930 office rs (79.3%) were overweight or obese. Another 40.7% tested positive for at least one (1) sleep disorderRead MoreSleep Deprivation And Sleep Deficiency1774 Words   |  8 PagesKevin Touch Ms. Acosta-Mata English 4 AP 6 Oct. 2015 Sleep Deprivation: A Bane to Men, Women and Children alike It was 12:30 am in the morning and Israel Joubert and his family was driving home after a family reunion. Joubert had hoped to get to his workplace on time at 8 am in the town of Fort Worth. However in the midst of his driving, Joubert fell asleep at the wheel resulting in a crash of the family’s Chevy Suburban into the rear of a parked 18-wheeler. Although one of his sons and he hadRead MoreEffects of Lack of Sleep to Students of Philippine State College5455 Words   |  22 Pagesâ€Å"Effects of Lack Sleep to the Students of Philippine State College of Aeronautics† Name (Optional):_____________________ Age: __________ Gender: __M __F Civil Status: ____________ Check for the desired answer. | Yes | No | 1. Do you usually sleep late? | | | 2. Do you find it hard to sleep early? | | | 3. Do you feel lazy if you experience lack of sleep? | | | 4. Do you feel short tempered when you experience lack of sleep? | | | 5. Does your lack of sleep affect your study? | |Read MoreThe Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Humans2383 Words   |  10 Pages THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF SLEEP DEPRIVATION Huong Do University of South Florida U07189299 Dr. Anzalone Dr. Shuman Human Factors Research Paper Spring 2016 ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to research and analyze the negative effects of sleep loss on humans lead to major and minor inefficiency. Every year, sleep loss and sleep disorder affect human performance, safety at work and quality of life. This research will analyze the sleep deprivation both by choice and due to health issueRead MoreThe Problems Of The Everyday Student1469 Words   |  6 Pagesonly be major annoyances, but can also cause serious health issues in the form of one of the most dangerous problems on this planet, insufficient sleep. Needless to say, there are students who go to bed feeling tired. There are many around the world, nestling into their beds at this very moment; anxious to see what their made up version of reality has in store for them, waiting to see the gumdrops and sugarplum fairies, the dragons they must slay to save their damsel in distress, the many wondersRead MoreStudy on Effect of Quality of Sleep and Subjective Sleepiness, Sustained Attention and Su bjective Mood.2382 Words   |  10 Pagesfound between quality of sleep and subjective sleepiness, sustained attention and subjective mood. It was found that the better quality of sleep is obtained, the less subjectively sleepy, higher sustained attention and more positive subjective mood the participant has. The present study was in line with several other studies undertaken, with many of the findings being reflected in both this study and others. Limitation such as environmental factors and carryover effects may have the data. Introduction Read MoreDreaming Is Your Brain Uses Images, Emotions, Or Ideas During Sleep Essay1799 Words   |  8 PagesWhat is dreaming? Dreaming is your brain uses images, emotions, or ideas during sleep. â€Å"It’s an experience of imagination that occurs in a number of states of consciousness: not only the sleep states of REM, non-REM, but also as waking dreams and near-death experience.† (Dream Studies Portal) The reason why we dreams is it â€Å"may be what allows us to sleep in the first place. â€Å"Dreams protect sleep, Solms says. They furnish an ersatz world to keep the brain temporarily occupied in its unyielding questRead MoreEffects Of Deprivation On The Human Body1974 Words   |  8 PagesDeprivation of sleep has been linked to a variety of health issues from type II diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases, to mental health issues such as depression (Porkka-Heiskanen, Zitting Wigren, 2013). The busy lifestyles of Western culture in the 21st century have increasingly deprived individuals of sleep. This could potentially be a contributing reason that there has been an increase of obesity in cultures such as that of the United States. But what makes humans sleep? Why, as a species

Friday, December 13, 2019

June Etta Downey Free Essays

A Biography of June Etta Downey South Georgia Technical College August 20, 2010 June Etta Downey (1875-1932), Psychologist. Born on July 13, 1875, in Laramie, Wyoming. June came from a pioneer family that contributed a great deal to the development of the state. We will write a custom essay sample on June Etta Downey or any similar topic only for you Order Now Her father, Colonel Stephen W. Downey was one of the first territorial delegates to the United States Congress from Wyoming, and it was largely through his efforts that the University of Wyoming was established. Downey, like many other females pursuing professional careers, had to face many odds in order to achieve her goals. In early 1900’s the image of a professional woman was an unusual sight, particularly in a small place like Laramie. Most professional females were destined to become school teachers if they were not married. Downey avoided marriage in order to continue her higher education and being free to work in the field she always wanted experimental psychology. Downey graduated from the University of Wyoming in 1895. After a year of teaching at the University of Chicago, where in 1898 she took a master’s degree in Philosophy and Psychology. In that year she joined the faculty of the University of Wyoming as an instructor of Philosophy as well. In the summer of 1901 she studied Psychology under Edward Bradford Titchener at Cornell University. She was promoted to assistant Professor of English and Philosophy in 1902 and to Professor in 1905. In 1904 she published a volume of poems titled Heavenly Dykes. After a sabbatical year of further study at the University of Chicago, she was awarded her P. H. D. in 1908, and on her return to the University of Wyoming she became head of her department. Downey soon gave up the teaching of English to concentrate on Philosophy and Psychology, and the title of her professorship was changed formally to that in 1915. A gifted and often ingenious experimenter, Downey followed her principal interest in the Psychology of aesthetics into many areas of the arts and the mental processes associated with them. Downey’s work in muscle muscle ready, handwriting, handedness, color perception, and such topics led to deeper investigations into personality and creativity. Her work resulted in more than 60 articles in professional journals and several books, including Graphology and the Psychology of Handwriting, 1919; Plots and Personalities, with Edward E. Slosson, 1922. Downey was greatly interested in the creative arts. She wrote poems, plays, and stories throughout her life. She even wrote the school Alma Mater for the University of Wyoming. In 1911, she published the Imaginal Reaction to poetry, one of the most important experiments involving arts. This study examined the images people had in response to ready poetry. Downey believed that variation in such images revealed differences in character. Downey’s preliminary work personality led her to the creation of the Downey Will-Temperament Test. The Will-Temperament and Its Testing, a report on her attempt to test clinically aspects of personality other than intelligence, 1923; and Creative Imagination: Studies in the Psychology of Literature, 1929. She also published Kingdom of the Mind, a book on the experimental psychology for young readers, in 1927. Although the report presented several limitations itself, it brought the attention of several influential psychology exponents. Although highly valuable in intent and originality, the Downey tests also possessed great weaknesses. Downey continually pointed to the importance of the intra-individual relationship of the subtests, but did not provide any norms for comparisons. The tests had poor reliability, the subtests were very short and those subtests that supposedly measured similar traits did not correlate highly with each other. The tests also possessed poor validity, at least when the results were compared to personality ratings. In addition, there were complaints that the administration was complicated and the scoring was too subjective. All of these weaknesses prevented the tests from being more widely accepted, and Downey was planning to revise the tests at the time of her death. Despite her visibility, Downey never craved the spotlight. As she grew older, she concentrated on her teaching and left Laramie. Downey was recognized as an outstanding scholar in her field by election to the Society of Experimentalists and membership on the council of the American Psychological Association in 1923-1925. In the last decade of her life she received many forms of recognition, including appointment to APA Council, membership in the Society of Experimentalists, and election as a Fellow of the American association of the Advancement of Service. She was also an inspiring teacher and a valuable asset to her university in its early years. Downey became ill while attending the Third International Congress on Eugenics in New York City. She died two months later of cancer at the home of her sister in Trenton, New Jersey on October 11, 1932. She was 57 years old. The University held a memorial service for her and a bronze plaque was unveiled in her honor. References 1. Uwadmnweb. Uwyo. edu/as/Development/People/Downey-June%2006. html 2. www. psych. yorku. ca/femhop/June%20Downey. htm 3. Ww. britannica. com/EBChecked/topic/170477/June-Etta-Downey How to cite June Etta Downey, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Influence Of Organizational Large Structure -

Question: Discuss about the Influence Of Organizational Large Structure. Answer: Motivation is of utmost importance for the smooth functioning of any and every business organization. Motivation is one of the most difficult areas to work upon and it is also the unavoidable needs of all the organizations. The managers have to motivate themselves first and then try to motivate their employees (Kihara, Karanja Kennedy, 2016). The three related frameworks that can be used are motivation, empowerment and employee engagement. The managers need to realize that every employee is different and their needs also differ from each other a great deal. It is because of this reason that the employee motivation becomes a tough factor. A manager often conducts meetings to interact with the employees and know their varied interests (Katja, 2018). Motivation is obviously self-driven but the managers need to interact personally with all the employees. It is in the meetings that he can make the employees speak up. This will make the manager adjust his own conduct as per the needs of t he employees. He has to make out which employee is in need of tangible rewards like incentives or promotions and which employee is in need of intangible rewards like some moral support and respect. A manager will have to make out what might be the probable reaction of the employees to different situations and rewards the strength and weakness of the employees. A manager will have to adjust his behavior to adjust to his employees. Designing and organizing are needed in each and every organization for making the work easier and quicker. There are many departments in an organization that needs to be broken down and then organized. The departments must be set up as per their needs, goals and time requirement. Departmentalization is of utmost importance for making the work easier. There are mainly 5 common departments that each company must have Functional Departmentalization, Product Departmentalization, Process Departmentalization, Customer Departmentalization, and Geographical Departmentalization Time orientation Tasks like paper processing will need much less time and skill as compared to the other works. Goal Orientation The organizations sharing a common goal will also have to perform different kinds of tasks at different points of time. Different personnel in different departments will have to perform differently. Interpersonal orientation This is mainly the result of the understanding and the kind of interaction present among the employees. Thus, in order to make the operations and the function the business organizations easy and faster, departmentalization is of utmost importance. Managing Execution And Driving For Results Using Power Ethically And Effectively A proper execution is needed in each and every organization for the getting the expected results. Execution does not merely refer to the tactics that might be used by a company for managing its work properly. The process of execution can be done properly by following 3 vital processes: the people process, the operation process, and the strategy process. The strategy process mainly helps in answering the questions of what will be the correct strategy, how to execute the strategy, are the employees skilled enough to execute the strategies in a proper way. The execution can be carried on properly only if there is a proper connection between the people, the operations, and the strategies. Time management is the key to the proper execution of the operations. Achieving the desired outcomes will become easier if the execution of work is done properly (Davies et al., 2017). Usage of power is also necessary for the work organizations. However people have to see that they are not taking the undue advantage of their power rather than dominating or abusing their employees, an ethical leader will use the tools of persuasion. The managers can often suffer from ethical dilemmas, especially in case of dismissing an employee. So, they must not misuse their power. Rather they must be flexible and open and then try to judge the matter from an unbiased viewpoint (Quinn, 2016). The employees, on the other hand, must also maintain their ethical responsibilities. Effective networking has to be used for the overall benefit of the employees. References Davies, E. L., Conroy, D., Winstock, A. R., Ferris, J. (2017). Motivations for reducing alcohol consumption: An international survey exploring experiences that may lead to a change in drinking habits.Addictive behaviors,75, 40-46. Katja, K. (2018).Ethical Leadership. [ebook] pp.32-39. Available at: [Accessed 24 Jan. 2018]. Kihara, A., Karanja, P., Kennedy, O. (2016). Influence of Organizational Structure on Performance of Large Manufacturing Firms in Kenya.European Journal of Business Management. Vol 2 (11). 15,29. Quinn, J. J. (2016).Critical Evaluation and Recommendations for Establishing a Culture Enabling Big Data Opportunities at a Global Pharmaceutical Company. Wilmington University (Delaware).

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Working conditions free essay sample

Working today is usually quite safe. The government has made laws saying that employers have to look after the workforce and provide safety equipment and other things for them. At the start of the Industrial Revolution none of these laws existed and so working in a factory could prove to be very dangerous indeed. This section looks at some of the conditions faced by workers and offers a brief explanation of what was done to improve these conditions. Industries such as the cotton trade were particularly hard for workers to endure long hours of labour. The nature of the work being done meant that the workplace had to be very hot, steam engines contributing further to the heat in this and other industries. Machinery was not always fenced off and workers would be exposed to the moving parts of the machines whilst they worked. Children were often employed to move between these dangerous machines as they were small enough to fit between tightly packed machinery. We will write a custom essay sample on Working conditions or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This led to them being placed in a great deal of danger and mortality (death rates) were quite high in factories. Added to the dangers of the workplace also consider the impact of the hours worked. It was quite common for workers to work 12 hours or more a day, in the hot and physically exhausting work places. Exhaustion naturally leads to the worker becoming sluggish (slow), which again makes the workplace more dangerous. Not all factories were as bad as the scenario highlighted above. Robert owen and Titus salt for example were both regarded as good employers in this respect. They were amongst a group of people who were known as reformers. These people wanted changes to the way that factories were run. They faced opposition from other mill owners who knew that reforms would cost them money and give the workers more rights. (They wanted to make as much profit as possible remember, that is the purpose of manufacturing in a capitalist country). The reformers gradually managed to force changes to the way that workers were treated.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Emirates Airways Strategic Management

Emirates Airways Strategic Management Step One Getting Ready Organizational Profile Emirates Airways is currently the leading airline in the Middle East. This firm was started in 1985 by the Emirati government. There was a rising concern that some of the international planes that were plying the route were avoiding the route and this was causing a lot of inconveniences to the people of this country.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Emirates Airways Strategic Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The government of United Arab Emirates realized that the country needed to develop an airline that would take care of the interests of the country’s nationals. The government had embarked on development of the infrastructure of the country. The roads were well developed and the airports were also properly expanded (Freeman 92). Dubai was rising very fast as a business center. The government had heavily invested in building social amenities, besides the infrastructure, and therefore this city was attracting a good number of tourists on a yearly basis. As a result of this, the government wanted an airline that would be reliable to its tourists, and other people that would be travelling to this country. They wanted an airline that could be controlled by the state, and could meet the rising demands locally. This was the genesis of this airline company. The Emirates Airline has its headquarters in Dubai in Dubai International Airport. This firm operates in to four largest destinations across the world. The firm operates in more than 100 destinations in 74 countries. The company has managed to overcome the stiff competition that is in the current market. According to Desvaux (70), the airline industry is very competitive. This scholar notes that this competition has been rising in the past decade with the entry of new airlines into the industry. It becomes a big challenge for a firm to operate in such a competitive market if it lack s proper competitive strategies. This scholar notes that the aviation industry has been consistently on the rise in the past one decade. The emerging technologies have brought in a lot of changes in this industry, and firms are forced to adjust their operations in order to meet the market demands. The emerging trends in the aviation industry cannot be ignored. It would force a firm to embrace these changes in order to realize the benefits that this industry has to offer. This is what the management of Emirate Airline has been keen on. This firm has received enough financial support from the government to enable it manage the emerging trends in the aviation sector. Effective strategic planning has seen this firm become the largest airline in this region. According to Freeman (26), project management has changed from what it used to be in the past. Project management was considered as part of production about 50 years ago. By then, competition was low, and the main concern was to incr ease production of the firm. The market was readily available in the global world. However, this has systematically changed over the years.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Firms have come to realize that customers have various options to choose from when they want to make a purchase. Given such independence of the customers, firms have come to realize that they have to come up with strategies that would enable them attract customers. This has resulted in a scenario where every firm is struggling to come up with appealing strategies through which they can capture the attention of the customers. Issues that the planning process should address Planning process should address specific issues within an organization that would result in achieving the goals of a firm. The vision of a firm always stipulate what the firm plans to achieve. Strategic planning would help achi eve this vision within the desired timeline. One of the main issues that planning process should address is the emerging technologies. In the field of aviation, there are various emerging technologies that affect the industry very heavily. The emerging technologies are bringing new trends that have redefined marketing in this industry. For instance, most of the bookings in this industry are currently done online. Customers can easily do their bookings from their homes. Emirates Airline must ensure that it adopts this technology if it plans to increase its customer base. Planning should be done with the aim of ensuring that the process of implementing this technology within this firm is successful, and that it reflects the current trends in the market. Another issue that requires serious planning within this firm involves customers’ comfort when on board. Many of the major airlines like the British Airways and Virgin Atlantic have come up with strategies to ensure their custom ers are satisfied. This involves installation of television screens and music system on each seat. A customer can watch television on a seven inch screen fixed on the backseat of the seats. Other services like snacks and newspapers are also offered to increase customer satisfaction. This firm should develop a clear plan on how it would come up with a strategy that would help the firm come up with such services that would offer its customers superior satisfaction in the market. Information that must be collected to help make sound decisions Information is very important when making decision. In order to come up with a sound decision on what steps that should be taken to ensure that the strategic plan is successful, it would require the management to ensure that relevant information is gathered from all the relevant stakeholders. The days when decision would be made based on the information the top management had are long gone.Advertising We will write a custom report sample o n Emirates Airways Strategic Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the current society, it is important to ensure that all the stakeholders’ opinion, from the customers to employees, the government and the general public, are taken into consideration when making sound decision. From the customers, it is important to have information about their changing tastes and preferences in the market. Collecting this information will help make a sound decision when it comes to developing customer management strategies. Employees’ opinions should also be put into consideration when making decision because they are the ones involved in the day-to-day activities of the firm. Management should therefore collect this information when making decision. Information from the government, industry players and the general public is also important to take into consideration when making sound decision within the firm. Step Two Articulating Vi sion Mission The vision, mission and objectives of a firm are the basic elements of strategic management. Sadler (31) says that the main difference between a vision and a mission is that while the vision focuses on what the firm plans to achieve in future, mission statement is concerned with what the firm is doing now in order to achieve its objectives. The vision of a firm is always very important in charting the path to be taken by the firm. Emirates’ vision statement clearly demonstrates the far this firm sees in the competitive electronic market. The vision statement of Emirates is based on leadership and ambition. The vision is envisaged on coming up with ambitious projects and new ideas that would enable the firm offer its customer’s new products with maximum satisfaction always. As such, he should be above structures and systems, and not subordinate to them (Kline 28). This vision has seen this firm become very competitive. This has been its driving force in in novations and creativity. Based on this, the firm has ensured that it remains relevant in the market by introducing new products with advanced features. The mission statement of Emirates Airlines may not pass as a standard mission statement. This is because it is a list of products that this firm produces, its commitment to a green pollution free world, and what it does in ensuring that they remain competitive. However, by the close of this statement, there is another statement that explains its commitment to business travelers, various professionals, and general consumers in providing them with desirable products that are able to meet their desires. Step Three Assessing the Situation In strategic management project, there are always three important conditions that should be assessed in order to come up with a clear plan. The first is always the past incidents or activities that had an impact on the firm’s current position. The second is the firm’s current position th at would define its future.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Lastly would be what the firm’s plans for its future based on the past and present situation of the firm. Assessing the situation is always important in determining the strategic position of a firm. The following SWOT analysis is important in helping assess the current situation of the firm. SWOT analysis is one of the important tools that are very popular in analyzing a company. It helps in analyzing firms based on the existing internal and external factors. SWOT analysis would be very valuable in analyzing Emirates Airline. In order to bring more understanding of the firm in this competitive market, a SWOT analysis would be appropriate. It would also help in understanding the strengths and weaknesses that the firm has. Strength of this firm that would translate to increased profitability is a positive image in the market due to its environmental friendly projects. The world is increasingly becoming sensitive of the impact of various business units on the environment. The co ncern is emanating from the fact that it has been confirmed beyond any reasonable doubt that various multinational companies are polluting the environment at a very dangerous rate Sadler (65). Various environmental conservation projects are expected to give this company a different image in the market. This company will be seen as a firm that is smarter in its environmental strategy. The market will be convinced that this company is not just interested in making profits, but also turning the society into a better place. The firm will easily attract additional customers who are determined to make a positive difference in their society. This is because they will view this firm as one that helps in conserving the environment. They will consider the purchase of the firm’s product as part of environmental conservation. As a result of this, the firm will develop a strong base of loyal customers. This firm may also take this advantage to reach out to the international markets. The p roject would give this company a moral right to claim that it is a champion of a clean environment in the entire world. The firm has a team of dedicated and qualified staff who are able to front all the interest of the firm both in the local and regional markets. Despite the above strengths, this firm has some weakness. The first weakness that this firm has is the financial challenge. The initiative of managing the environment is very challenging financially. It would cost this firm, large sum of money if it would sustain such projects over the years it expects to operate in this market Grundy (92). The members of this firm expect to work in collaboration with other firms in order to clean the environment. The team may not have the capacity to rid the environment of all the electronic wastes, unless it is supported by other agencies within the local society. The local government must be convinced to participate in such projects actively. Other environmental agencies would also be in vited to take part in the elimination of such wastes as plastic materials. The fact such the projects would involve partnership with other firms; success of the entire process may be jeopardized. Success would be pegged on how determined the other partners are in fulfilling their duties. The firm has a number of opportunities in the external environment. In the local market, this firm has managed to build a large base of loyal customers, especially in the cities of Abu Dhabi and Dubai. The Emirati government has strongly appreciated the move of this firm to help improve the environment of this country, a fact that has earned it a large base of customers. The Emirati government has maintained a very stable political environment. This means that the business environment is free from any political unrest that may disrupt normal business operations within the market. This has created a business environment that is very peaceful to various firms in the country. The firm also enjoys an ec onomic growth in this region that has increased the purchasing power of the consumers. This increased purchasing power has helped the firm to increase its operations to regions beyond its borders. The emerging technologies have also helped Emirates Airline in its operational strategies. The firm has adapted the emerging technologies in its operations, a fact that has helped it increase it efficiency. This firm faces a number of threats in its operations. Threats may not be predictable in this industry, though the firm may try to reduce the possibility of occurrence. The first threat that this firm faces is price wars in the market. The strategy of the firm to charge lesser prices for its products, especially to those consumers who have shown resolve to combat environmental degradation may not pass unnoticed by the local firms. There is a possibility that the competitors may consider this move as a strategy that this firm uses to charge cheap for their products. The impact of this is that the competitor may respond by equally lowering their prices in the market. Such price wars are always dangerous to the prosperity of a business. The initiative may fail to make any serious sense. However, this threat has been minimized by introducing other responsibilities for the project, and the invitation of the whole society to participate. Emirates Airline also faces the threat from the emerging technologies. The emerging technologies are beneficial to the firm. However, they can pose serious challenge to the firm if the firm fails to select the appropriate technology to apply. Applying a wrong technology may cause serious negative consequences to the firm. Late application of the emerging technologies may also render such a firm less competitive in the market. This firm has been forced to spend a lot of financial resources to sustain the force of emerging technologies. Step Four Developing Strategies, Goals, and Objectives Miller (56) says that it is important for a fir m to develop functional strategies that can help it achieve its vision within a competitive environment. Emirates Airline has adopted diversification and partnership strategies. It is important that a firm develops different lines of products that can cushion it in case one of the lines is experiencing a dry spell. Emirates Airlines stated out as a passenger carrier firm. However, as time went by, this firm realized the importance of diversification of its products. Taking research and development as one of the important aspects of the firm, Emirates Airlines has managed to develop new products to the market, extending its line of production. The firm currently has a series of products targeting various markets. Some of these products include different classes of the planes, the cargo plane and other currier services. This has enabled this firm to operate as a multi-business firm. This way, it is able to reap maximally from one line in case the other experiences a low season. In its early year, it entered into a joint partnership with Qantas to ensure diversification of its products. This resulted in huge profits, though this partnership is yet to get deep rooting. The following are some of the objectives of this firm. To be the leading airline in the entire region of Middle East and beyond. To increase its market share within this market. To diversify its products in order to bring in new market segments. Step Five Completing the Written Plan Strategic management of projects will only be considered as complete if there is a clear success after implementation. It is important to have a clearly written plan on how this can be achieved within a stipulated timeline. Having a written plan on how to undertake a given strategy within a firm is important. The management of Emirates Airline should have a clearly defined plan written in a way that is unambiguous. This written plan should stipulate all the activities that are to be carried out within the firm. Having a clearly written plan would not only be vital to the top management of the firm, but also lower cadre employees. The entire group of employees would base their actions on this written plan. It is through this that the plan can be executed based on the vision, mission and objectives of the firm. Desvaux, Martin. â€Å"A Synopsis Of Clive Ponting‘s: A Green History Of The World.† Optimum Population Trust Journal. Vol. 5-10. (October 2005 – April 2010): 45. Web. Freeman, Edward. Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Print. Grundy, Tony. Strategic Project Management: Creating Organizational Breakthroughs. London: Thomson Learning, 2002. Print. Kline, John. Ethics for International Business: Decision-Making in a Global Political Economy. New York: Routledge, 2010. Print. Miller, Roger. The Strategic Management of Large Engineering Projects: Shaping Institutions, Risks, and Governance. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2 000. Print. Sadler, Philip. Strategic Management. London: Kogan Page Publishers, 2003. Print.Top of Form

Thursday, November 21, 2019

IMG Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

IMG - Case Study Example Currently, the company has diversified to include services such as stadium ownership and management, television, event ownership, modeling organization among others (Anand and Attea 1-23). Further, IMG has proved to be a successful business empire that grew from focusing only on one opportunity kind. However, this single opportunity lead to diversification and realization of other viable but related opportunities. This diversity has however been managed through the introduction of subsidiary companies to manage different interests of the mother company. As such, McCormack (or his successors) should go ahead and seek diversity since it has proved to add value into the mother company. Further, in so doing the company will be hedging itself against competition from other companies that may seek to exploit these diversities. Moreover, the company has laid down a strategy that has defined the role of any given subsidiary venture. In fact, such a subsidiary company is at liberty to manage itself as an independent company. As such, the need to engage in experts is covered by the presence of IMG itself. However, due to the dynamic unpredictable eventualities in the nature of its business dealing there may crop a situation that will call for expert’s services. For example, if IMG or on of its constituent company is faced by a legal issue, then it will be necessary to indulge the services of an equally potential law firm (Anand and Attea 1-23). Given the reputation of this organization, the concerns of engaging external consulting firms have not been a concern to it. The founder and CEO of IMG have strategically approached this situation through specialization and division of duties. The specialization calls for an independent company to manage all duties related to that field. For example, tennis duties are ran by a single company, such that the players and tennis events, tennis broadcasts as well as tennis courts will

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Overview of Immanuel Kants Grounding for the metaphysics of morals Essay

Overview of Immanuel Kants Grounding for the metaphysics of morals - Essay Example Kant uses Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals to help people obtain a better grasp at what moral principles really are. Kant provides a description of some of the general principles surrounding moral duties. He states that actions can only be considered moral if they are undergone for the sole purpose of being moral and without an underlying purpose. The next principle is that the quality of an action is judged for its morality based on the motive that produced the action, as opposed to the consequence of the action. The final principle declares that actions are only considered to be moral if they are undergone purely out of respect for the law of morality. These three principles reveal that to be considered an act of morality, everything must be done for the purpose of being moral. As there are many situations and circumstances to be taken into consideration, but cannot be due to their quantity, Kant points out that there must be a universal formula that can be applied to every situation to determine if what was undergone was done purely out of morality. This formula is as follows: â€Å"we must be able to will that a maxim of our action should be a universal law.† While this law may be considered intuition to most people, Kant still found it important to remind people of its existence and its purpose.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Early Victorian Prisons Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Early Victorian Prisons - Essay Example Prisons are considered to be institutions used for imprisonment or incarceration and in England today accommodation for prisoners in these institutions are divided into wings that are usually identified by a name, number, or letter. Today there are an estimated nine million people imprisoned worldwide, with the United Kingdom alone accounting for approximately 73 000 inmates in its facilities. This high proportion of prisoners has been associated with many things, such as better funded criminal justice systems, a more strict approach to law and order, and a larger gap between the rich and the poor. There are numerous differences between the prisons of today and those of years ago; one major change being that in early Victorian England people were imprisoned and often sentenced for lengthy periods of time for seemingly important things such as 'picking oakum', whereas in today's world that is certainly not the same situation. Victorian prisons were seen as unpleasant and rundown places with a main goal to keep the surroundings as miserable as possible in an attempt to deter people from committing crimes. The prisons were small, old, and badly-run. London and its suburbs held over a dozen prisons in all, and debtors and convicts, those to be rehabilitated and those simply to be detained all had no trouble finding a place to wait out their days. By the 1860s there were two distinct types of Victorian prisons: the local and the convict prisons. The older, which dated back from as far back as the Saxon times, was called the local prison. This itself was made up of two equally distinct parts: the jail (or gaol) and the House of Correction. Prisons in England during the early Victorian era are of particular interest and subjectivity, and in order to be able to come to a clearer and more cognitive view on this subject matter, the following questions must be addressed: 1. What are prisons 2. To what extent did early Victorian prisons in England deter and reform criminals 3. What are some conclusions that can be made on early Victorian prisons in England By discussing these four questions, we can come to a more knowledgeable and understanding opinion on this subject of interest. This is what will be dissertated in the following. What are Prisons Prisons are literally defined as places where persons are confined and usually deprived of a range of personal freedoms, as punishment for particular and often various crimes. Prisons are also often times used as a tool of political repression, particularly in times of heightened war or conflict. "A prison system is the organizational arrangement of the provision and operation of prisons." The United Kingdom has the highest incarceration rate among all of Western Europe, with an approximated 109 out of every 100 000 people imprisoned in the present day; today there are 139 prisons in England and Wales, with 19 of those having been built rather recently - 1995 or beyond. The rise in the prison population in England has been primarily attributed to changes in terms of sentencing. Crimes such as shoplifting and other forms of petty theft have overtly harsher sentences in the present day than years ago; in 1995 alone over 129 people were in prison for shoplifting, and in 2001, 3 000 people were sent to prison for petty theft for a first time

Friday, November 15, 2019

Woody Holton Theory Analysis

Woody Holton Theory Analysis Woody Holton is an Associate Professor of History at the University of Richmond in Virginia and is a member of the Richmond Research Institute. He has published three award-winning books: Abigail Adams (2009), a Bancroft Prize winner, Unruly Americans and the Origins of the Constitution (2007), a finalist for the National Book Award; and Forced Founders: Indians, Debtors, Slaves and the Making of the American Revolution in Virginia (1999) winner of the Organization of American Historians Merle Curti award for social history. In 2006, the OAH named Holton one of its Distinguished Lecturers.[1] In his book, Unruly Americans, Holton endeavors to revive Beards arguments in An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution that our Constitution was created to protect the interests of a small group of wealthy farmers and creditors over those of small farmers and debtors. However, Holton shifts the focus from the wealthy few to the ordinary people who opposed the concept of a strong centralized government. Holton sides with Beard that the principal purpose of our Founding Fathers was not to safeguard civil liberties but to protect their own financial interests. (xi) The author contends that the arguments and efforts of ordinary farmers who maintained that the post-Revolutionary recession could have been ended without making the United States a less democratic country that resulted from the Constitution. (17) We are indebted to these farmers for insisting the Bill of Rights be added to the Constitution. Holton argues that these amendments directly contradict the Framers antidemocratic intent. (277) He goes on to state that besides initiating the Bill of Rights, the tax rebels with no rebellions, there would have been less tax and debt relief legislation, and without relief, there would have been much less need for a powerful new national government. (277) According to the author, few supporters of tax relief wanted to repudiate debts, but in at least nine states they suggested to discriminate, treating the original recipients of bonds differently from those who had purchased them on the open market. (55) The rigorous tax and debt collection had prevented Americans from realizing their full potential as laborers. (101) Holton shows that tax burdens for ordinary Americans were three or four times higher than colonial levels which made them question whether they had been better off under British rule. (29) The author relies on newspapers, pamphlets, and political tracts to prove his thesis. He depicts the conflict between the debtors struggling to regain their economic footing after the Revolutionary War while Congress encourages the state governments to increasingly impose new taxes upon them. Holton describes the contributions of previously unknown individuals such as Herman Husband, a North Carolina farmer, and William Mathews, a Massachusetts tavern keeper. He also mentions Adonijah Mathews who owned a tavern in Virginia. Their inclusion allows him to go beyond the leading Anti-Federalists. (274) Meanwhile, states struggled to compensate the bondholders who loaned them money, Congress battled to pay off the commutation certificates of former officers in the war, and debtors and creditors clashed over whether paper money should be used to satisfy outstanding taxes and debts. Holton argues that because state governments failed to maintain order and fulfil their obligations, reformers decided to meld those thirteen sovereignties together and launch and empire of their own. (3) He states, the democrats unconsciously initiated a powerful reactionary movement as bondholders and creditors attempted to put the democratic genie back into the bottle. (5) According to Holton, James Madison and others accused that state representatives had shown excessive indulgence to debtors and taxpayers. They had refused to force farmers to pay what they owed. (8) The argument from the debtor side was that thousands of other Americans contended that the remedy for the recession was not to press harder on taxpayers and debtors, but to ease up on them. (100) Holton contends that the Framers of our Constitution saw disproportionate democracy as the root of tax leniency which obstructed bondholders and thwarted investment. Holton argues that the need to reign in the states weighed far more heavily upon the convention than the motive that has received the most attention from later generations of Americans, strengthening the Confederation. (182) While this reviewer appreciates Holtons arguments on behalf of the ordinary Americans, this book is very repetitive. Some points such as the perspective of farmers on democratic government and the influence of bondholders on the creation of the Constitution are stated multiple times. His mention his intent is to focus on individuals such as Adonijah Mathews, yet he tends to go off on a rant about our Founders such as James Madison. Mathews and Husband received but a few pages of reference in the index, but Madison has eighty-three pages listed under his name. This seems to flip Holtons assertions that his book is about ordinary Americans rather than about the Founding Fathers. Holton also impedes his own arguments when he states that although bond speculators were among the Constitutions most enthusiastic supportersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦it is also clear that thousands of Americansà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦supported federal taxation not because they owned bonds-many did not-but for other, more public-spirited reasons. (215) Holton further contends that Some of the most avid supporters of the Constitution were not creditors but debtors. (230) Therefore, his own arguments contradict Holtons conclusions that the adoption of the Constitution was largely the result of class conflict in the fledgling nation between the haves and the have-nots. [1] Simon and Schuster, Woody Holton

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Design and Development of Mobile Multimedia Learning Application Essay

Introduction The development of mobile technology today has its own effects on society globally. There are many benefit that are experienced from the implementation and use of mobile technology. Mobile technology are made to drive global commerce especially in mobile multimedia learning application. This is because, nowadays, mobile technology has upgraded to such an extant that you are able to keep updated for all your lesson requirement everywhere and anytime you want to. In other words, learning can be done anytime and anywhere as long you have a mobile phone or any mobile electronic device and a multimedia learning application. There are many types of application for learning purpose for example Google etc. The Advantages The most advantage of a mobile learning is the ability to access information. User can easily get information from the web site and download it. Education as a process relies on a great deal of coordination of learners and resources. Mobile device can be used by teacher for attendance reporting, general access of school data, reviewing students mark, and managing their schedule more effective. With access to information, special knowledge is put in the hands of students to support their study. Students also can access to lab asignments, formulae and others such a diagram. This can affects students performance in learning environment while facilitating their education. It is important to manage different education. All students catch up information at different speeds in different ways. Educational currently support advance way and special classes to manage these needs. Mobile learning is ideally geared to enable students to learn at their own speed, by uniquely catering to their requirements ... ...kills can be improved through the use of mobile learning. It provides access to learning during previously unproductive times, it allows more flexible and immediate collaborative options, it allows controlled learning in contextual situations, and provides greater options for teacher to observe and assist in independent learning. Works Cited Brown, M.D. ( 2001 ). Technology in the Classrooms: Handhelds in the Classrooms. Education World. http:// McCartney, M ( 2004 ). Mobile learning. The community learning resource. Shotsberger, P and Vetter, R. ( 2001 ). Teaching and Learning in Wireless Classrooms, 2001 Griffeon J, Seales, W.B and Lumpp, J.E ( 1998 ). Teaching in Realtime Wireless Classroom. University of Kentucky, Kentucky, 1998, pp.1-3