Thursday, September 3, 2020

Analysis of Automotive Network Security †Free Samples to Students

Question: Examine about the Analysis of Automotive Network Security. Answer: Presentation: The physical layer is liable for dealing with the transmissions in bit level in the middle of various hubs. It is the most minimal layer among all the layers of the OSI organize layers. The layer is commonly utilized for the transmission of the crude information in the middle of the hubs. This layer is commonly engaged with the equipment peripherals of the system. The information streaming in this system is crude and stream in the bits of o and 1. Henceforth, this layer ought to have all the characteristics of an effective framework are rightness, unwavering quality, strength and security, similarity and adaptability, convenience, and productivity. The physical layer helps in the force the executives of the framework. This layer underpins the MCU, CAN and other inserted framework loads. The physical layer additionally incorporates the Trans beneficiaries for the CAN and the LIN conventions. This demonstrates the strong abilities of the physical layers. This layer helps in the transmi ssion of the advanced data over the system. The physical layer additionally gives a productive CAN correspondence offices that demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework. Furthermore, it is additionally necessitated that the physical layer is made sure about effectively as enormous measure of crude information course through the system. The unwavering quality of the system ought to likewise be ideal as the information lost in the physical layer can change the whole message of the sender. The versatility and similarity of the physical layer can be decided through the transmission of information in the system and the synchronization of the information in the bit level. The layer likewise make point to point correspondence in the middle of the hubs in the system. The layers gives a speed of around 100 mb/sec which makes the information simple to move and furthermore expands the effectiveness in the system. Subsequently, the speed, rate and the productivity of the framework relies u pon the physical layer of the system. The information connect layers comes after the physical layer. It is practically like the physical and perform exercises like the physical layer. The primary segments in the layer are confining, physical tending to, and control of stream, blunder and availability. This parts goes about as central point on the choice of rightness, unwavering quality, power and security, similarity and versatility, convenience, and productivity of the framework. Surrounding utilizes the focuses to point designs for the transmission of the bits of information as the stream. This strategies is commonly utilized when the edges are changed over to squares of data. These edges comprise of the mistake checking procedures. They give the accuracy highlight to the systems administration layer. The casings give the client the data to the following edge. The marking data gives the system the help to guide the casings to the focuses in the system where the goal of the casing is available. This gives the convenienc e and effortlessness for the systems administration layer. The header of the casing is either the MAC of the machine to which the information is coordinated and the coherent location for the following system layer in line. The MAC addresses are proficient as they give the physical location of the gadgets in the system and consequently all the machines in the system recorded by the system. This gives the security attributes to the information connect layer. The MAC addresses are additionally truly perfect for the association with different gadgets in the system. They additionally help the gadgets in associating with different peripherals in the system. The information interface layer likewise builds up association among two hubs in the framework. The information move is halted when the connection in the middle of the hubs are broken and thus, this gives the data about the proficiency in the information interface layer. The trailers added to the edges gives the data about the mistake in the system and furthermore makes the information blunder free then again. This aides in the blunder control of the information interface layer. The system layer additionally utilizes the mistake control method, for example, the ARQ and FEC innovations. Consequently, all the rules for the information connect layer are kept up. The web layer comes after the information interface layer. The primary reason for this system layer is giving the layer the correspondence offices for all the hubs. The layer gives a start to finish correspondence framework for the instead of the machine to machine connect gave by the information interface layer. Also, the layer gives the association situated and association less administrations. The layer goes about as the interface in the middle of the host and the system. Consequently, the layer gives the accuracy, unwavering quality, vigor and security, similarity and versatility, usability, and proficiency of the framework choices. The essential methodologies received by the layer gives the clients and the framework the choice of transmitting information with an adaptability and increment the usability in the system. The layer utilizes the source and goal addresses with the goal that the information is sent and gathered from the genuine sources. This gives the security idea to t he system. Moreover, the layer makes a virtual course in the middle of the two hubs for the system and this keeps up the strength of the system. Furthermore the similarity and the adaptability of the system is kept up in this layer. These three layers are the most significant layers in the system and thus, all the attributes of a productive framework in these layers would imply that effectiveness is kept up all through the system. In controlled access the hubs in the system counsels different hubs before sending the informations. The chairman holds the entrance control for the physical areas inside the system. The customers demand the server for the entrance to the physical substance inside the system. The customer can just the view the substance in the system to which they are given access to. In the event that the customer isn't given the entrance they can't view or access the information. Then again in dispute based access the information is communicated on the system and whoever is available on the system can get to the information without any problem. Any PC can transmit information whenever. Be that as it may, this offers ascend to impact inside the system. The information is served to the customers on an originally started things out server premise and the information is accessible every single hub in the system. The controlled access component of gaining admittance to physical media is referred to as brought together framework as the server holds all the entrance to the information in this system and found midway. Also, the communicated information is spreads everywhere throughout the system and thus, this component is known as the conveyed framework for information access inside the system. All the customers can get to the information. Book reference Ahmed, S.A.G., 2016. Throughput Enhancement of Local Area Network Queuing Model in Heavy Traffic Network (Doctoral paper, Sudan University of Science and Technology). Asrani, A., Koul, V. what's more, Khot, R., 2016. Survey of Network Steganography Techniques. Supreme Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 2(12). Bora, G., Bora, S., Singh, S. what's more, Arsalan, S.M., 2014. OSI reference model: An outline. Worldwide Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT, 7(4). Clemm, A., Medved, J., Varga, R., Bahadur, N., Ananthakrishnan, H. what's more, Liu, X., 2018. A YANG Data Model for Network Topologies (No. RFC 8345). Collins, D., 2015, October. Adaptable Switching for Flight Test Networks. In International Telemetering Conference Proceedings. Worldwide Foundation for Telemetering. Kizza, J.M., 2017. Manual for PC organize security. Springer. Maj, S.P., Ohtsuki, K., Akamatsu, T. what's more, Mackay, S., 2016. State Model Diagrams for Teaching Networkinga SOLO Based Evaluation. Current Applied Science, 10(10), p.231. Mundhenk, P., Mrowca, A., Steinhorst, S., Lukasiewycz, M., Fahmy, S.A. what's more, Chakraborty, S., 2016. Open source model and test system for ongoing execution examination of car organize security. Acm Sigbed Review, 13(3), pp.8-13. Rajesh, H. also, Anjan, K., 2015. Development of Covert Channel Using Data Hiding Mechanism In Ipv4. IJRCCT, 4(6), pp.387-389. Santos, M.G.M. also, Marcillo, P.A.A., 2018. Security in the information connect layer of the OSI model on LANs wired Cisco. Diary of Science and Research: Revista Ciencia e Investigacin, 3(CITT2017), pp.106-112.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Assessing The UK Manufacturing Sector Essay Example For Students

Surveying The UK Manufacturing Sector Essay UK creation segment is a various part that depends on arranged ventures, exercises and engineerings. There are some evolved ventures in UK like beverages and supplement, pharmaceuticals, aviation and car and hardware businesses. Moreover some new enterprises are other than creating in UK like biotechnology, low C, computerized and propelled stuffs and nano building. By and large UK manufacture division currently turns into a decent segment that is seting its part in the advancement of UK. UK manufacture division is at figure three in UK financial framework in footings of UK GDP, after administrations and retail area. In 2009 this area has created ? 140 billion of gross worth included that is around 11 for every centum of UK financial framework. 2.6 million, people are working in creating division that is around 8 for each centum of whole work power of UK ( BIS, 2010 ). In the present examination I have given an inside and out investigation of UK manufacture area and its part in the financial improvement of UK. For the diagnostic purpose I have utilized various devices like PESTLE and SWOT examination that featured the interest of solid manufacture division for the financial advancement of a state and I other than have given the data of some frail segments of creating because of some insufficiency of achievements and different aspects that cause for decrease in creating industry in some mature ages for outline UK ‘s Textile industry etc.Moreover I have furnished some significant data related with the piece of UK creation part in footings of providing occupations, outside trade and gross worth included. Presentation: Two clashing positions were ever at that place in the heads of people groups comparable to UK creation industry. People were grasping from the last two decennaries that the new age will be for administration industry so at that spot ought to non be any interest to stress over manufacture division and plants. Second purpose of position was that existent occupations were made by the plants and manufacture division so with out creating area laborers can non secure occupations and it will make monetary employments for British residents. In 2003, UK manufacture industry was contributed 16 for every centum to GDP and 13 for each centum British residents were utilized at that place. It other than stand foring continuous lessening of creation area yet until 2003 this segment has contributed 83 for every centum of fares ( Ferguson, 2004 ). In any case, after the ongoing downturn this division of monetary framework is sing thunder. Outline1 Specifying manufacture of United kingdom:2 Literature Review3 Capabilities and qualities of UK creation industry:4 Changed fortunes of creating industry of UK:5 Advanced capablenesss of UK creation industry:6 Skills capacity of UK creation sector:7 Capabilities of UK manufacture houses to export:8 Competitive Analysis9 PESTLE ANALYLSIS10 Political factors:11 Economic factors:12 Social factors:13 Technological factors:14 Legal factors:15 Environmental factors:16 SWOT Analysis17 Strengths:18 Failings19 Opportunities20 Menaces21 Critical Analysis22 Decision and Recommendations23 Mentions: Indicating creation of United realm: UK manufacture segment is a differing part that depends on arranged ventures, exercises and engineerings. This part is coming at figure three in UK monetary framework in footings of UK GDP, after administrations and retail division. In 2009 this area has created ? 140 billion of gross worth included that is around 11 for each centum of UK financial framework. 2.6 million, people are working in manufacturing segment that is around 8 for every centum of whole work power of UK ( BIS, 2010 ). Orchestrating to SIC codification arrangement of 2007 for industry measurements, manufacture area is comprised of following enterprises Drink, baccy and supplement stocks Texture stocks Wood stocks Paper and Pulp stocks Printing and distribution Oil, Nuclear and Coke Man made strands and Chemicals Plastic and Rubber stocks Non Metallic and Mineral stocks Metallic components and Fabricated metal stocks Hardware and Equipment Optical and Electrical hardware Transport hardware Other manufacture Writing Review There is a long history of UK manufacture industry and this industry has ever produce great outcomes of UK and contributed for the UK monetary framework. As talked about over that creation industry is made upon various ventures like beverage, baccy and supplement stocks, texture stocks, wood stocks, paper and mush stocks, printing and distribution, unrefined petroleum, nuclear and coke, grown-up male made filaments and synthetics, plastic and gum versatile stocks, non metallic and mineral stocks, metals and manufactured metal stocks, apparatus and hardware, optical and electrical gear, transport hardware and other creation ( BIS, 2010 ). We can express that there are distinctive sub portions of UK manufacture industry yet at a similar clasp these ventures are needy upon every others since clump of clasp completed product of one industry will go the regular stuff for another industry for example metal industry produces metal sheets yet it will go the common stuff for vehicle and movement industry. Abilities and qualities of UK creation industry: UK creation industry has various qualities and capablenesss and because of this one time UK was considered as the pioneer of industrialisation. A portion of the capablenesss and qualities of UK creation enterprises are given underneath Changed fortunes of creating industry of UK: Current globalization has made a huge difference and it has sway on creation industry each piece great. The manufacture of the present clasp time frame depends on mechanical development, comprehension, putting resources into intangibles and putting resources into achievements. As a result of current manufacture industry known to man buyers can obtain better quality and modern stocks that assists with satisfying customers ( ABPI, 2010 ) UK got specialization in incredibly capable manufacture enterprises for example pharmaceuticals and aviation each piece contrasted with the developing markets for example Brazil, Chine, India and Russia that have specialization in most minimal capable ventures like texture. When a state expansion specialization in an exceptional industry with the goal that state can maintain that specialization or competitory preferred position for an extensive stretch of clasp typically until that cut when new innovative adjustment came. After an in profundity investigation I came to cognize that UK have solid spot in the enterprises, for example, natural concoction science, clinical designing and pharmaceuticals while it has powerless spot in gadgets, data building and optics or nano building ( Arthur, 2009 ) Progressed capablenesss of UK creation industry: Innovation is geographic endeavor of new idea effectively. Innovation can be connected with constitution of new builds, stocks, engineerings, new structures, concern hypothetical records heading designs or hierarchical development. The scope of creation is a lot more extensive as innovative work. Development is connected with the constitution of most recent engineerings, forms that can expand the proficiency and by spreading new builds. The result of UK Innovative Survey of 2009 has indicated that more than 70 for each centum of UK manufacture houses are progressed especially the majority of electronic and optical industry houses are incredibly best in class ( ONS, 2010 ) Besides the maximal research and formative exercises across UK are being financed by the worry and especially by manufacturing industry. In 2008 UK concern area has spent ? 16 billion on R A ; D and out of that ? 16 billion, ? 12 billion are financed by manufacturing segment ( Swann, 2000 ) Abilities capacity of UK manufacture part: Abilities are useful to better the open introduction and productiveness of the workers. On the off chance that the house has gifted works power than that house can respond deftly and creatively for uplifting rivalry, set uping and utilizing new develops that winds up in productive strategies, better stocks, better hierarchical developments and better concern techniques. In the ongoing occasions laborers need to better their achievements degrees so they are securing formal guidance for it because of this ground presently work power are progressively taught. As it were gifted work power can be a spine of any association, In 1994 from the whole work power that has joined manufacture industry just 9.7 per centum were keeping an evaluation however in 2009 this figure has improved and now 17.1 per centum of the laborers have degree. The laborers who are intrigued to fall in administration divisions, innovative work and selling and gross incomes field they ever hold degree and in 2009, 31.7 per centum of these specialist hold degree. As laborers who are keen on administrations and other calling like to keep degree this factor has outcome those laborers each piece great who need to fall in manufacture segment to obtain degree before get bringing down their calling ( Technology Strategy Board, 2008 ) Capacities of UK creation houses to send out: There is no particular standard to investigate that if a state is included solidly in planetary worth however at any rate one instrument which can give a data is the per centum of organizations that are selling into seaward markets. It is no vulnerability that there are some creating organizations in UK who are really making acceptable in this industry for example auto creation in UK ( Vauxhall, Astra ) and so forth which is in the peep at this clasp however on the different manus there are a few businesses who are seriously compounding like Textile and Clothing industry of UK. This is the ninth greatest segment of UK creation. In 1997 this industry had an incredible thunder, in 1999 5.1 billion of merchandise were traded however after that the whole final result st

Friday, August 21, 2020

Using Ethos In Designing Of Websites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Utilizing Ethos In Designing Of Websites - Essay Example The site for an undertaking the board device, Basecamp utilizes Ethos to interest its clients by demonstrating its validity. The site shows an image of two men conversing with one another. One man asks the other, â€Å"How did you complete that venture without losing your mind?† The subsequent man Answers, â€Å"BASECAMP, we love it.† The appropriate response from the subsequent man proofs that the site is believable and solid in venture the board. There is additionally the strong sentence on the site that shows that last year alone, the site helped more than 285,000 organizations complete in excess of 2 million tasks. While exploring through the site one understands that Basecamp advertising site manufactures validity for their items and administrations by posting unmistakable clients that rely upon the organization to complete their undertakings. The technique advances to new clients who will trust and accept that the organization will likewise give them great items and administrations. The site underlines and striking articulations, for example, â€Å"Millions of people† use Basecamp. A sign of a solid and reliable client base causes the site to manufacture validity among others particularly new customers. The site likewise shows that the company’s programming for doing extend the executives can work on an assortment of working frameworks both on PCs and cell phones. Clients will accordingly, comprehend that the data is valid and tenable. The site keeps on speaking to clients by putting recordings of significant clients clarifying what they like about Basecamp. Obviously the Baseca mp promoting site requests to ethos.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

2018 Best Brightest Sam Benger, Carnegie Mellon (Tepper)

2018 Best Brightest: Sam Benger, Carnegie Mellon (Tepper) by: Jeff Schmitt on April 01, 2018 | 0 Comments Comments 821 Views April 1, 2018Sam BengerCarnegie Mellon (Tepper School of Business)The mystique of Ron Burgundy coupled with the awkwardness of Michael Scott.Fun fact about yourself: I can walk on my hands. Decently enough.Hometown: Hingham, MAHigh School: Hingham High SchoolMajor: Business AdministrationMinor: Global Systems and ManagementFavorite Business Course: Business PresentationsExtracurricular Activities, Community Work and Leadership Roles During College:Football: Team Captain2x Academic All American, 2x All-American, 2017 William Campbell Trophy Finalist (recognizes top football scholar athlete in the nation), hold 5 school records as Running back.Community ServiceI’ve helped run the Special Olympics held on our campus two separate years.Football has also provided a platform for me to mentor some youth in the Pittsburgh area who are battling chronic illn esses. I keep in touch with a few different young men in the area including another juvenile diabetic like myself. We debate sports and it’s a privilege to have those relationships.Also, a small group of teammates and I visited the Pittsburgh Children’s Hospital to help with the Donate Life event, where children who were the recipient of organ transplants celebrated their path back to happy, healthy lives.I’ve also done work in the community leading a student group to do clean up across the city as part of the 1000plus event (1000+ individual hours of community service).This past summer I worked to renovate a dilapidated elementary school as part of Impact Day during my summer internship with Deloitte.OtherAndrew Carnegie Scholar â€Å"ACS Scholars are undergraduate seniors who embody Carnegie Mellon’s high standards of academic excellence, volunteerism, leadership and involvement in student organizations, athletics or the arts.† They are selected each year by their deans and department heads to represent their class in service and leadership† (CMU Definition of ACS).Start-Up CMU: Deloitte Start-Up Competition (2nd Place) Led a team of three to create a networking platform named CMU Connect to facilitate mentorship opportunities between undergraduate and alumni.Pitt Innovation Challenge (1st Place) Led team of students to help local business launch new product by leveraging technology to accurately analyze customer preferences.CMU Qatar Internal Case Competition (2nd Place) Traveled to CMU’s campus in Doha, Qatar and led team of four students to help a multinational food distributor reposition its product offering to more effectively appeal to distinct customer segments.Where have you interned during your college career? State Street Corporation: Global Markets Portfolio Solutions Intern (Boston, MA)Deloitte: Summer Scholar Business Analyst (Based Pittsburgh, PA, client locations Cedar Rapids, IA and Clevelan d, OH)Where will you be working after graduation? Deloitte: Strategy and Operations Business Analyst (Boston, MA)Who is your favorite professor? I’ve been fortunate to have had numerous influential professors here at Carnegie Mellon. I have a top three of favorites. Deb Brandon, Lloyd Corder, and Julia Deems. Each professor brought a completely different skillset to the table, but each made me feel appreciated and empowered. They conveyed how what we were learning would translate to the real world beyond the walls of academia. Most importantly, they were understanding and kind, yet challenging.What did you enjoy most about your business school? The people. From the faculty to my classmates, I was constantly surrounded with a supportive, talented, and exciting group of individuals.What advice would you give to a student looking to major in a business-related field?  Don’t limit yourself. Business as an area of study is a broad, inclusive tool kit that can equip a youn g person to go forward into a wide array of industries. Going to business school doesn’t mean you have to be a banker or work in financial services. At the same time if that is your passion, more power to you. Seek out opportunities to see what other industries have to offer and don’t settle for the norm.â€Å"If I didn’t major in business, I would be majoring in or studying†¦I have a lot if interests outside business. So, I can give a top three. Film, as I have always loved and been impacted by movies. Second, medicine, I have juvenile diabetes so sitting across from doctors I have a strong appreciation for what they do and the reassurance they can provide. Finally, architecture as I took a course in architectural history and loved it. Analyzing how a culture or society can be expressed through building form is fascinating.†What has surprised you most about majoring in business? The places it can take you! I travelled to Doha, Qatar as a junior to p articipate in a case competition. My senior year, I was able to travel to New York City and was able to meet Peyton Manning as I was selected as a William Campbell Trophy Finalist (in large part due to my academic endeavors at the Tepper School).Which academic, extracurricular or personal achievement are you most proud of? My junior year, I created a social entrepreneurship competition that pitted student teams against each other in a ‘Shark-Tank’ style setting. The students strived to create innovative solutions to Pittsburgh’s toughest social issues, namely poverty, homelessness, and food shortage. This event started as an idea I had when I was riding the bus home after class one day. Six weeks later I had put together a diverse panel of expert judges, secured funding and guarantees from firms in the incubator space to help the winning team form a real product or service. The goal was to create tangible impact by adjusting the standard business case competition structure and applying it to community issues in Pittsburgh. It was a wonderful learning experience for me and validated that acting on a vision with initiative can be not only gratifying, but impactful on a larger scale.If you were a dean for a day, what one thing would you change about the business school? I am a big fan of experiential learning and impacting the community. I think I would create a course requirement where students would go into the community and partner with local non-profits and/or charities and do pro-bono project work to benefit the underprivileged and community at large.Which classmate do you most admire? Can’t say I have a favorite. I am around a lot of great friends in Tepper. The students here are bright, driven, and just all around good people.Who would you most want to thank for your success? My parents. They’ve been my biggest supporters through the thick and thin. I can’t imagine where I would be without them (literally, ha).What would your theme song be? â€Å"You Make My Dreams† Hall and Oates. Hall and Oates always puts you in the right state of mind.What are the top two items on your bucket list? Learn to fly a single prop planeLearn to surfFavorite book: Where Men Win Glory: The Odyssey of Pat TillmanFavorite movie: This is just an impossible question. Even if I had to give one for each genre†¦I will go with Inception, classic Leo.Favorite vacation spot: Ogunquit, MaineWhat are your hobbies? I love seeing movies and really enjoy reading. When were not covered in snow here in Pittsburgh, I’ll go golfing as well.What made Sam such an invaluable addition to the Class of 2018?   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Sam has excelled in all aspects of the Tepper School and Carnegie Mellon University experience. His academic performance is outstanding, earning University Honors and recognition as an Andrew Carnegie Scholar. His athletic talents and leadership as Team Captain on the football field will long be remember ed. His commitment to innovation, leadership and community citizenship as the creator of the 2017 Innovate x PGH Challenge, as a participant in multiple case competitions, and as a 2017 NCAA William V. Campbell finalist defines the Tepper undergraduate experience as a scholar and leader.†Burton Hollifield PNC Professor of Finance and Head of the Tepper School Undergraduate Business Administration programDONT MISS: THE BEST BRIGHTEST BUSINESS MAJORS OF 2018 THE COMPLETE LIST Page 1 of 11

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Ancient Near Eastern Thought Essay - 3623 Words

Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament (Introducing the Conceptual World of the Hebrew Bible) Introduction Using contemporary studies as the foundation of his research John Walton reviews the ancient and Near Eastern and Israelite cognitive context. He provides guidance for students and general public to have a wider understanding and expand their knowledge of today’s culture, and historical culture interacts with the ancient world culture. In doing so, he tries to balance all audiences though examining artifacts to assist the individual’s understanding through these artifacts about both the historical prospective and culture and the parallel with the Bible. Summary of Book The book is divided into five parts. Part 1,†¦show more content†¦What follows is a discussion about the types and characteristics of religious practices. In particular, the discussion hinges on establishing the point that there are reflections of wisdom in all knowledge. In these and other ways, comparative studies both challenged and enhanced biblical scholarship. Walton also discusses the reaction to comparative studies in confessional scholarship, which has not always been positive due to its implication that the Old Testament is not unique (p. 35). Walton concludes by envisioning an integrated role for comparative studies in which it assists in critical analysis, defense of the biblical text, and exegesis of the biblical text (pp. 38-40). In conclusion, Part 1 of Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament serve as an excellent introduction to comparative studies. Part 2 – Literature of the Ancient Near East Chapter 3 – Summary of Literature of Ancient Near East Chapter 3 is divided up into 4 sections. These are: 1) myths, 2) literary texts and epics, 3) ritual texts, and 4) divination/incantation texts 5) letters, 6)Royal Inscrriptions 7) Annals/Chronicles, 8) Treaties, 9) Law Collections, 10) Legal Documents, Hymns and Prayers, 11) Wisdom Literature, 12) Prophecy, 13) Fictional Autobiography/Apocalyptic 14) Archives and 15) Miscellaneous. Under each of those sections there are examples of writings on that topic from various ancient Near Eastern cultures. The areasShow MoreRelatedBook Summary of John H. Walton, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament:4623 Words   |  19 PagesJohn H. Walton’s Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament: Introducing the Conceptual World of the Hebrew Bible is broken up into fourteen chapters. Those fourteen chapters are each part of one of five sections. This book also contains over twenty historical images. Befor e the introduction, the author gives readers a full appendix of all images used in this published work. 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HANEY DEPARTMENT OF THEOLOGY BY 03 MARCH 2013 Table of Contents CHAPTER 1: HISTORY AND METHODS 3 CHAPTER 2: COMPARATIVE STUDIES, SCHOLARSHIP, AND THEOLOGY 6 CHAPTER 3: SUMMARY OF THE LITERATURE OF THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST 10 CHAPTER 4: THE GODS 14 CHAPTER 5: TEMPLES AND RITUALS 19 CHAPTER 6: STATE AND FAMILYRead MoreEssay on Book Summary of the Bible Among the Myths2904 Words   |  12 PagesIntroduction Author John N. Oswalt begins The Bible Among the Myths: Unique Revelation or Just Ancient Literature? with a concise and well-written introduction that whets the reader’s appetite, compelling one to continue reading. He begins by informing the reader that his novel has been in the works dating all of the way back to the 1960s, when he attended the Asbury Theological Seminary. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of The Article Every Kid Needs A Champion

The Right Way to be a Teacher Imagine, no one is there to help a child get through their education. Instead of energetically learning and intellectually growing, children instead drift aimlessly through the ranks of their education. They simply hear and regurgitate information that the teacher† repeats monotonously from a textbook. Sad isn t it? This is what Rita Pierson is trying to eliminate with her speech Every Kid Needs a Champion†. She advocates the need for teachers to go beyond what their simple title of teacher† requires, meaning teachers should be more to a student than a simple lecturer. In order to do this Pierson has to get the audience to listen and understand the gravity of what she is saying, making them motivated to make the difference that she wants of them when they leave. In order to effectively portray her idea that teachers should not simply be teachers but mentors, Rita Pierson, in her speech â€Å"Every Kid Needs a Champion†, establishes herself to the audience whi le playing on the their emotions with her humorous and somber anecdotes to focus and motivate them to act, as well as engaging them with her energetic physical movement, such as hand motions and variation in tone. Pierson’s lifelong experience and commitment to being a teacher makes her a credible source on the subject of education. The first words of her speech plainly tell the audience exactly who she and her family are (Pierson). When the audience hears her say that she has spent herShow MoreRelatedStrider 12 Pro No Pedal Balance Bike1027 Words   |  5 PagesStrider 12 Pro No-Pedal Balance Bike, Silver reviews Introduction: Your Strider 12 pro sports model gives every single feature a little one (as well as parent or guardian) may desire. 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Apple Strategy

Question: A formidable new product development powerhouse of global proportions, Apple is worthy of our study and interest Answer: Introduction Apple Inc. and its subsidiaries plans, makes and markets versatile mobile communication gadgets, PCs, and convenient computerized music players. They offer a mixed bag of related programming, administrations, peripherals, organizing arrangements, and advanced substance and applications. The Company's products and services incorporate Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod, Apple TV, an arrangement of shopper and expert programming applications, the Mac OS X and iOS working frameworks, iCloud, and a mixed bag of embellishment, administration and help off. As a feature of its methodology, the Company keeps on growing its stage for the revelation and conveyance of outsider advanced substance and applications through their iTunes Store (Innovation management 2012). Apples strategies Arenas: Apple as an association manufactured products that are well designed and easy to use. This provided for them a recognized brand picture in the business that stands out in the market despite numerous contenders. Apple's product development method is the study in market segmentation. Where Apple totally rebooted ipod nano, moved back the ipod mix to a prior communication model, and majorly forked the ipod Touch in a manner that additionally identifies with iphone situating (Easy marketing 2013). Differentiators: Apple focuses on quality rather than cost - served mostly to strengthen their contention that Apple values incredible over all other products. Apples design has made various enchantments" or "supernatural" items (Innovation management 2012). Vehicles: Apple entered into partnership with various industry leaders in business sector that helps in mixing up the qualities of various organizations. It helps in undertaking versatility through another class of business applications bringing IBM's huge information and examination abilities to ipad and iphone . The point of interest organization intends to reclassify the way work would accomplish, location key industry portability difficulties and start genuine portable drove business change-grounded. IBM cloud administrations streamlined for ios, including gadget administration, security, investigation and versatile combination; new Applecare administration and help offering custom-made to the needs of the venture. Along with IBM Apple was also in talks with Tesla motors for joint ventures (Easy marketing 2013). Staging Pacing: Apple will burn through $10 billion putting resources into its future. That is an enormous increment over a year ago, and it wrecks the mainstream idea that the organization is floating off into a profoundly focused business sector with no genuine arrangements for developing in the coming future. Apple has 424 stores, including 255 in the U.S. The organization has opened its first store in Turkey and Brazil to grow its geographic foot shaped impression to 15 nations. Apple developed its retail deals to $20.2 billion last year, or 12% of the organization's aggregate, from $14.1 billion in 2011. Economic logic: Apple Inc. also its entirely claimed auxiliaries outlines, fabricates, and markets versatile correspondence and media gadgets, PCs, and compact advanced music players, and offers a mixture of related programming, administrations, peripherals, organizing arrangements, and outsider computerized substance and applications (Emerald group 2013). The Company perceives income from the offer of fittings items, programming packaged with equipment that is crucial to the usefulness of the fittings, and outsider computerized substance sold in iTunes Store as per general income distinguishment bookkeeping direction. The Company perceives income as per industry particular programming bookkeeping direction for the accompanying sorts of offers exchanges: (i) standalone offers of programming items, (ii) offers of programming updates and (iii) offers of programming packaged with fittings not key to the usefulness of the equipment. New product launch strategies The launch of Apple Watch was a proactive strategy and it has gone down well with the consumers. The iWatch comes with interactive features that help the users to read messages and chat with their friends. There are other applications like maps, activity, motion and fitness (Easy marketing 2013). This futuristic technology included in the iWatch is a proactive strategy by Apple that would help them attract more and more consumers and dominate the gadgets markets. It works on the latest version of iOS and Apple will also include third party applications in the iWatch that improves it flexibility and ease in use (Emerald group 2013). Conclusion By administering item advancement to the voice of the buyer, Apple had the capacity advantage from the best tablet dispatch in its history. Listening to your client is something a firm of any size can do. The new approach to Apple's items seems to reflect a more prominent adaptability; thinks are more alterable than they were before Cook took the reins, if just barely. There's still the inquiry of keeping reasonable of enraging early buyers of items, as somebody who has purchased an ipad four months earlier would like to see another model. References Innovation management 2012, 5 skills that transform your organization, accessed on 15th January 2015, Easy marketing 2013, Product strategy of Apple, accessed on 15th January 2015, Emerald group 2013, Apple iPod: succeeding where others failed, accessed on 15th January 2015,